Home-built 4He MFM 1

- Temperature range: 4.2 K – 300 K
- Magnetic field: 2-2-9 T in x-y-z direction
- Detection scheme: Optical fiber interferometry
- Multisample stage for comparative studies
- Operating inside a vibration-isolation system
Ref: Yang el. al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 023704 (2016), Kim el. al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93, 063701 (2022)
Home-built 4He MFM 2

- Temperature range: 4.2 K – 300 K
- Magnetic field: 7 T in z direction
- Detection scheme: Piezoresistive cantilever
- Multisample stage for comparative studies
- Operating inside a vibration-isolation system
- Duel scanner
Ref: Lee el. al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 073701 (2024)
In-situ Omicron VT-SPM with DC magnetron sputtering system

1)Omicron VT-SPM
- Temperature range: 20 K – 300 K
- Vacuum: up to 10-10 Torr
- Detection scheme: laser beam-deflection
- Multisample carousell
- Modes: MFM, AFM, PFM, EFM, conductive AFM, STM
- in-situ sample transfer from sputtering system
2)DC magnetron sputtering system
- Vacuum: up to 10-10 Torr
- Sample heating range: up to 900℃
- Target size: 1.55 inch
The cryogenic-free magnet system

- Temperature range: 1.6 K – 400 K
- Magnetic field range: 9 T in z direction
- 12 electrical leads available
- Measurement modes: 4-probe resistivity, Hall