Welcome to the Magnetic Force Microscopy Lab

Our group was established in 2013 and focuses on scanning probe microsopy techniques. In particular, our unique, home-built Cryogenic Magnetic Force Microscope within a 9-2-2 T vector magnet allows for a direct imaging of exotic spin structures, as well as the investigation of superconductivity and magnetism under extreme conditions.


[10.2023] Prof. Nestor(Bariloche Atomic Centre) visit our lab from October 5 to December 4!!

[08.2023] Our lab hosts an international workshop from August 28 to August 30 https://www.apctp.org/theme/d/html/activities/activities01_read-pop.php?id=1960

[08.2023] Graduation ceremony for Geunyong (PhD)! Congratulations!!

[02.2023] Graduation ceremony for Hyeongrae (PhD)! Congratulations!!

[08.2022] Our lab hosts an international workshop from August 29 to August 31 https://www.apctp.org/theme/d/html/activities/activities01_read-pop.php?id=1646

[02.2022] Graduation ceremony for Dongwoo (PhD)! Congratulations!!

[08.2021] Graduation ceremony for Juyoung (PhD)! Congratulations!!

[08.2021] Our lab hosts an international workshop from August 9 to August 11 https://www.apctp.org/plan.php/IWSPM2021

[06.2020] Our lab hosts an international workshop from July 27 to July 29 https://www.apctp.org/plan.php/IWSPM2020

[12.2019]우수연구실 재인증 통과

[09.2019]김근용학생 SOCTS2019 포스터상 수상

[09.2019]Our lab hosts an international workshop from September 19 1 to September 21 https://www.apctp.org/plan.php/SOCTS2019

[10.2018]Our lab hosts an international workshop from October 1 to October 5 https://www.apctp.org/plan.php/SOCTS2018

[07.2018]제2 회 MFM 연구실 MT

[07.2018]윤진영학생 2018 하계 초전도학회 포스터상 수상


[02.2018]Visit us at the Quantum Materials Symposium 2018 in Muju!

[11.2017] 과학기술부에서 우수연구실 인증

[09.2017] Our laboratory is promoted by several media
  [Spektrum] http://www.spektrum.de/news/exotisches-metall-bricht-ohmsches-gesetz/1494827
  [POSTECH] http://www.postech.ac.kr
  [Donga] http://news.donga.com/Main/3/all/20170922/86452262/1

[08.2017] Violation of Ohm`s law in a Weyl metal has been published in Nature Maters

[07.2017] Science building #104 is newly opened

[02.2016] Graduation ceremony for Ilkyu (PhD)! Congratulations!!

[10.2015] Visit us at the KPS meeting in Gyeongju!

[08.2015] Our MFM study on the magnetic domain evolution in La2-2xSr1+2xMn2O7 as a function of temperature and magnetic field has been published in Phys. Rev. B.

[08.2015] The MFM group is heading to Uljin for Membership training.

[07.2015] Our MFM study on the coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in ErNi2B2C has been published in Phys. Rev. B.

[12.2014] Our home-built He-3 MFM is operating at a base temperature of 500 mK and inside a 9-2-2 T vector magnet!